Sunday, April 5, 2009

I Love AZ

There are so many reasons I love Arizona and the PHX AM that Cowtown puts on every year is one of them. Since every skate related website will have coverage of the AM here are photos of the other fun stuff that goes on. Just embrace the AZ!!!!! Oh yeah and I got to see the elusive Jake Hobbs.

Mike Murciano had some pretty amazing quotes from the weekend. Here is a sampling of some of my favorites:
"I fuck whenever"
"Fuck, I left shorts in the bar"
"I'm shopping my way through this recession"
"That guys got a case of the weird ass"
Well done Mr. Murciano!

Spring Break 4 Ever!

The Volcom Crew

After our amazing night killing it in Scottsdale

Steve is the only person I know who grew up in Arizona but has no idea how to get anywhere in Arizona


Lunch in Gila Bend

My favorite English skateboarder BEN REMURS

Steve playing with a dead bird. Look at that smile on his face.

Double Yep

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